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List of Seafood Ok to Eat While Pregnant

Breads and cereals Breads All types OK to eat Cakes, slices, muffins
  • Plain
OK to eat
  • With added cream or custard
Don't eat (unless cream is newly opened and custard is home-made and fresh) Cereals Breakfast cereals, rice, pasta, and similar OK to eat – refer to dairy products below for advice on milk. This advice does not cover fresh pasta with filled varieties. Check advice specific to the filling if available Dairy Cheese
  • Low acid soft pasteurised cheese (for example, brie, camembert, blue, ricotta, mozzarella, feta, haloumi)
Do not eat unless cooked
  • Hard cheese (for example, cheddar, parmesan)
OK to eat. Store in fridge
  • Pasteurised cottage cheese, cream cheese or similar
Buy in sealed packs. Eat cold within 2 days of opening the pack or eat cooked until "best before" date on the packaging Butter All types OK to eat. Store in fridge Cream Fresh, unwhipped or whipped, sour cream and similar Buy in sealed packs. Keep the cream refrigerated in the original packaging and take care to prevent contamination when using. Eat within 2 days of opening pack Custard
  • Ready-made chilled (packaged)
Keep refrigerated in original packaging and eat within 2 days of opening.
  • Home-made
Eat hot immediately after cooking. Reheat leftovers until piping hot (over 70°C) and eat immediately Milk
  • Pasteurised
Keep milk refrigerated in the original packaging. Take care not to contaminate lids when using and consume before the manufacturer's best before date Ice cream
  • Packaged
OK to eat
  • Soft serve
Don't eat Yoghurt
  • Pasteurised
For commercially produced yoghurts follow the manufacturer's advice on the package Unpasteurised milk and dairy products
  • All types of unpasteurised (raw) milk and dairy products (cheese, cream yoghurt and similar)
Don't eat Eggs Raw eggs In egg flips, eggnog, smoothies, home-made mayonnaise and dressings, home-made ice cream, mousse and tiramisu, and similar Don't eat Cooked eggs Fried, scrambled, baked, poached, and similar Cook well (firm yolks, firm scrambled eggs) Meat and poultry
Cooked meats Beef, pork, chicken, mince, sausages, and similar

Cook until piping hot throughout, and until juices run clear (use a meat thermometer to check temperatures). Eat while hot, never eat rare or undercooked meats. Store leftovers covered in the fridge and eat within 2 days. Reheat leftovers and cold cooked meats until piping hot (over 70°C)

Processed meats Ham, salami, luncheon, pâté, pastrami, biltong, or jerky (dried meat), and similar Don't eat unless heated until piping hot (over 70°C) Cold cooked poultry Any cold pre-cooked poultry (for example, chicken and turkey) Don't eat unless heated until piping hot (over 70°C) Raw meat Any raw meat, raw chicken or other poultry, beef, pork, and similar Don't eat or taste. Don't touch face, mouth or eyes while preparing. Wash and dry hands well after touching raw meat Seafood Raw fish Any raw fish (including marinated raw fish) Don't eat Raw shellfish Any raw shellfish (including marinated raw mussels) Don't eat Smoked fish, shellfish and crustacea Chilled, pre-cooked fish, mussels, oysters*, scallops*, salmon, crayfish, prawns, and similar Don't eat unless heated until piping hot (over 70°C) Freshly cooked fish, mussels, oysters, crayfish, scallops, and similar Make sure that it's cooked thoroughly until piping hot (over 70°C) throughout. Eat while hot Vegetables, salads, and fruits Fruit All fresh fruits Wash and dry well just before eating. Whole melons should be thoroughly washed and dried before cutting. Frozen berries should be cooked before eating Vegetables
  • All fresh vegetables
Wash and dry well just before eating raw, or wash before cooking
  • Frozen vegetables
Cook. Don't eat uncooked frozen vegetables Salads
  • Salads: Pre-packaged salads and ready-made salads and coleslaws from delis, salad bars, or similar.
    Vegetable-based salads, pasta salads, rice salads, fruit salads, or similar

Don't eat Herbs Dried herbs Cook thoroughly Fresh home-grown and store-bought Wash well before using Other types of food Leftovers Cooked foods Store leftovers covered in the fridge and eat within 2 days. Reheat leftovers until piping hot (over 70°C). Never eat cold leftovers Canned foods Canned fruit, vegetables, fish, seafood, meat, sauces, and similar Remove from the can for storage. Store uneaten leftovers covered in the fridge and eat within 2 days Sauces, dressings and spreads Commercially manufactured salad dressings (oil and vinegar), bought mayonnaise, tomato sauce, margarine-type spreads, or similar Store in the fridge once opened. Check maximum storage time. Handle any heat-and-eat sauce products according to the manufacturer's instructions Sushi
  • Store-bought (all types – even without raw seafood)
Don't eat
  • Home-made
Use freshly cooked rice, and don't use raw or cold cooked meat or seafood. Eat immediately. Don't eat leftovers Stuffing Stuffing from chicken or turkey Don't eat unless stuffing is cooked separately (in a dish). Eat hot. Store leftovers
in the fridge and eat within 2 days. Reheat leftovers until piping hot (over 70°C) Hummus and other dips containing tahini Store-bought or home-made Don't eat Seaweed
  • Brown seaweed** (like kelp, kombu, wakame, arame, quandai-cai, hiziki/hijiki, or Sargassum fusiforme)
Limit to 1 serve a week
  • Red or green seaweed (including nori and karengo) used in sushi and dulse
OK to eat. See advice on sushi Sprouts
  • Seed sprouts (alfalfa, mung bean, lentil, chickpea, broccoli, radish, pea, snow pea, adzuki)
Don't eat unless cooked Fruit juice and cider (non-alcoholic)
  • Pasteurised
OK to drink
  • Unpasteurised (raw)

Don't drink

List of Seafood Ok to Eat While Pregnant
