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What Happens if You Eat Parsley While Pregnant

During pregnancy, some foods are marked as safe and unsafe for consumption. While greens are always considered to be a part of a healthy diet, have you ever wondered that can you eat parsley when pregnant. Adding parsley leaves as a seasoning to your dinner plate during pregnancy does not pose any serious harm to your unborn baby. However large quantities of parsley must be totally avoided when you are pregnant as it can cause serious health concerns. Read this post if you desire to know is parsley safe during pregnancy?

Benefits of Parsley During Pregnancy:

Parsley is a very common herb used in food preparations worldwide. It is easily available all through the year. Parsley is known to be a nutritious plant that is packed with antioxidants and vitamins. It provides multiple health benefits, even to pregnant women when taken in small amounts. Some of the outstanding benefits of parsley leaves are:

Boosts Immune System:

Parsley has a high content of arsenal, which functions as an excellent antioxidant compound. It helps in boosting the immune system and also fighting off infection during your pregnancy.

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Has Anti-Inflammatory Properties:

Parsley possesses superb anti-inflammatory properties that alleviate the problems such as joint pains and swelling in pregnant mothers.

Prevents Anemia:

The high dose of iron that you get from parsley helps to prevent the occurrence of anaemia during pregnancy.

Fights Off Free Radicals:

Parsley is the powerhouse of Vitamin C and Vitamin A that helps in discarding free radicals and also prevent oxidative stress in the expectant mother.

Is A Good Source of Folates:

Folate or folic acid is considered to be an important nutrient during pregnancy. eating parsley gives you an optimum dose of folate that protects your baby from any neural tube defects.

Aids Digestion:

Parsley is known to have superb digestive properties that assist in offering relief from problems such as bloating and flatulence.

Is Packed with Vital Nutrients:

Eating parsley during pregnancy provides a healthy dose of vital minerals such as calcium, potassium and magnesium. These minerals are essential for the healthy development and growth of your baby. Moreover, Vitamin K present in parsley contributes by strengthening the bones during pregnancy.

Side-Effects And Precautionary Measures:

Taking large parsley in large amount can do more harm than good to your baby. High doses of parsley can stimulate your uterus and lead to premature uterine contractions. The two main active ingredients in parsley, namely myristicin and apiol are found to be harmful during pregnancy. Some of the reasons why the use of parsley quantitatively should be avoided during pregnancy are as follows:

  • The active ingredients present in parsley can trigger uterine contractions that can even lead to abortions(1) and miscarriage. These components can also induce preterm labor and pose a greater risk to the health of the mother and baby.
  • Myristicin present in parsley oil on reaching the baby through the placenta can alter the rate of heartbeat in your unborn baby.
  • High doses of parsley oil can even lead to hemoglobin issues in your developing child.
  • Eating parsley during pregnancy may also trigger some allergic reaction in the mum-to-be.

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So if you desire to just use parsley as a flavoring ingredient it is allowed safely during pregnancy. Several researches are conducted in this regard to mark the exact quantity of parsley that can be allowed during pregnancy. It is always better to talk to your health practitioner about the risks associated with eating parsley in your pregnancy months.

What Happens if You Eat Parsley While Pregnant
